Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Discovers Bill Williamson's Trackable Scent with 'Eagle Eye'
An observant Red Dead Redemption 2 player has uncovered a fascinating detail involving Bill Williamson, a member of the Van der Linde Gang. The discovery reveals that the character’s scent can be tracked in-game, much like the quarry Arthur Morgan hunts, showcasing an impressive, albeit humorous, level of realism.
Despite being over six years old and initially released for the previous console generation, Red Dead Redemption 2 continues to captivate players with its intricate open world. The game’s devotion to authenticity often blurs the line between entertainment and realism, resulting in unexpected and immersive gameplay moments that still surprise even long-time fans.
This particular discovery was shared by player seriousBnana, who noted that during a party in the bustling city of Saint Denis, Arthur was able to track Bill solely by following his scent. The mechanic in question, known as “eagle eye,” is typically used to track animals, allowing players to see scent trails and footprints. In this instance, the scent trail was humorously labeled “Bill,” indicating that Arthur could identify his companion’s distinct odor.
The revelation amused many Red Dead Redemption 2 players when seriousBnana posted their screenshot on Reddit. The community was quick to joke about Bill’s potent “stinkiness,” and some speculated whether the hair pomade Bill requests during a companion mission could have contributed to his trackable scent.
Experienced players chimed in, noting that Bill isn’t the only Van der Linde member who can be tracked by scent. Other named gang members can also be followed using the eagle eye mechanic at the gang’s camp, though Bill happened to be the only one present in this scene. Commenters praised the game’s attention to detail, remarking that it makes sense for Arthur, who lives in close quarters with the gang, to recognize the distinctive smells of his companions, reflecting the hygiene norms of the era.
This quirky finding serves as yet another testament to Rockstar’s meticulous world-building, continuing to delight and engage players with its realistic, detail-rich gameplay.
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