Levi's and DACH Prime League sign partnership
The sewing company has now launched Esports Collective supported by Levi's clothing series. According to representatives of this company, the new line should unite the gaming community and at the same time give them the right to vote.
Levi's is not the first partner to enter into a partnership with the DACH Prime League. Earlier, other eminent companies did the same, including Das kann Bank, BARMER, NicNac's, Tchibo, Deutsche Telekom, R + V Verischerung, RECARO and Rockstar.
Ilmaisia jalokiviä sekä päivittäisiä, viikoittaisia ja kuukausittaisia lisäpalkkioita!
The DACH Prime League is a competition for teams from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It was created in collaboration with three companies: Riot Games, Freaks 4U Gaming and SPORTFIVE.