Sony has invited the former producer of Call of Duty and several members of Deviation Games to potentially work on a new shooter for PS5
Sony Interactive Entertainment brought on Jason Blundell, a former producer of Call of Duty, and several ex-employees of Deviation Games.
Deviation Games, established by veterans of the Call of Duty series, struck a deal with Sony to develop a PlayStation 5 AAA project. However, following the partnership announcement, there were no significant developments, and Blundell himself soon departed from the team he helped create. Subsequent rumors hinted at the potential cancellation of Deviation's game.
Since then, it's been revealed that Blundell moved to work directly with Sony. The same transition occurred for several former Deviation Games employees who left the studio around the same time.
At present, the status of Deviation Games and their current projects remains unknown. It's plausible that the PlayStation 5 project from the studio fell into the category of service games that Sony canceled some time ago.
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