
CS 2 Receives Major Update: Workshop Map Loading and Numerous Enhancements
On the night of November 2nd to 3rd, Valve released a substantial update for the game CS 2, bringing a series of significant changes.
The key updates include:
- Workshop Map Loading: Servers within the community can now utilize maps created by the community in the Workshop. This allows players to enjoy a variety of user-created maps and content.
- Fix for Rapid Firing: Developers have taken decisive action to address a situation where weapons were firing faster than intended, ensuring game balance and fair play.
- Weapon Persistence Between Overtime Rounds: A bug that prevented players from retaining their weapons between overtime rounds has been fixed, enhancing the overall gaming experience.
- Knife Attack Priority: Knife attacks now take precedence over other actions for enemies and will only damage teammates when no opponents are in the vicinity, contributing to more realistic combat scenarios.
- Competitive Mode Enhancements: In the "Competitive" mode menu, information about the total number of wins required to achieve a rank has been added, helping players track their progress.
- Improved Player Animation: Player animation performance has been significantly enhanced on both the client and server, resulting in smoother and more realistic gameplay.
- Changes to Smoke Grenades: Smoke grenades have received updates, including a change to their casing to chrome and the introduction of a minimum fuse duration to prevent premature detonation when lodged in tight spaces.
For the complete list of changes, you can refer to the official website. These updates are aimed at improving the gameplay and enriching the experience for CS 2 players.
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