Team Spirit qualified to CIS Minor Championship
4 more teams to join CIS Minor were determined during the closed qualifiers. Team Spirit, Team Spirit Academy, Spartak eSports and Tengri took the first places in groups in the closed qualifiers to CIS Minor Championship 2017 — Krakow. pro100, LoG, k29, teamasd, Vega Squadron, Nova, Evolution and Quantum Bellator Fire also have chances to pass to CIS Minor. Spray’n’pay, Elements Pro Gaming and zARLANS ended their participation in CIS Minor: Closed Quals. Hala Ares were disqualified from the championship. The first teams demonstrating the best performance during the closed qualifiers to the European Minor tournament were also announced. These are Team EnVyUs and PENTA Sports. Today the decisive matches of the last day of closed qualifiers to CIS Minor and EU Minor will take place. The closed qualifiers for Asia Minor is scheduled on June 1 – 4, and the closed qualifiers to America Minor will be played from June 8 till June 11.