EGW-NewsEsportsThe review of the matches of Heroes Global Championship that were played on March 30

The review of the matches of Heroes Global Championship that were played on March 30

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We present you the results of the matches of HGC that took place on Friday, March 30.


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KSV Black vs Feliz 3-0

The first map - Battlefield of Eternity

KSV Black:

Bans: Medivh, Abathur

Picks: Malfurion, Garrosh, Hanzo, Blaze, Li-Ming


Bans: Maiev, Tracer

Picks: Genji, Uter, Tyrael, Dehaka, Junkrat

KSV Black won the first match without a chance to the another team, Feliz was not able to make even a single kill in the match.

The second map - Sky Temple

KSV Black:

Bans: Genji, Junkrat

Picks: Garrosh, Medivh, Sonya, Rehgar, Cassia


Bans: Maiev, Malthael

Picks: Malfurion, Hanzo, Muradin, Greymane, Dehaka

There was an equal game on the second map but Feliz made a few mistakes near the end of the match and lost the match due to them.

The third map - Dragon Shire

KSV Black:

Bans: Garrosh, ETC

Picks: Tracer, Malfurion, Junkrat, Tyrael, Malthael


Bans: Maiev, Medivh

Picks: Genji, Hanzo, Sonya, Stukov, Muradin

Feliz was dominating over the opponent during the whole map but Hanzo’s wrong position in the end of the game destroyed their advantage and KSV didn’t miss its chance.


Blossom vs Miracle 3-0

The first map - Tomb of the Spider Queen


Bans: Maiev, Junkrat

Picks: Tracer, Garrosh, Tassadar, Sonya, Rehgar


Bans: Genji, Medivh

Picks: Malfurion, Hanzo, Blaze, Gul’dan, Johanna

Blossom didn’t make a mistake, they were dominating from the beginning of the map to its end.

The second map - Battlefield of Eternity


Bans: Maiev, Blaze

Picks: Medivh, Sonya, Rehgar, Cassia, Diablo


Bans: Garrosh, Genji

Picks: Malfurion, ETC, Hanzo, Tracer, Malthael

Miracle received an advantage from the very beginning but they made a mistake in the middle of the game, for which they were punished. The victory was achieved by Blossom.

The third map - Towers of Doom


Bans: Maiev, Uter

Picks: Tracer, Malfurion, Junkrat, Sonya, ETC


Bans: Medivh, Tyrael

Picks: Garrosh, Hanzo, Genji, Blaze, Stukov

Blossom left no chances to their opponents as it had been on the first map.


Leftovers vs Dignitas 1-3

The first map - Infernal Shrines


Bans: Genji, Medivh

Picks: Hanzo, Malfurion, Junkrat, Garrosh, Leorik


Bans: Tracer, Malthael

Picks: Sonya, Stukov, Diablo, Tassadar, Gul’dan

The full domination by Dignitas and the victory was achieved in less than 15 minutes, they left no chances to the opponent.

The second map - Tomb of the Spider Queen


Bans: Garrosh, Sonya

Picks: Malfurion, Hanzo, Tassadar, Muradin, Blaze


Bans: Tracer, Diablo

Picks: Chromie, Joanna, Malthael, Genji, Stukov

Leftlovers beat Dignitas not without problems in the equal battle on the map

The third map - Volskaya Foundry


Bans: Malfurion, Malthael

Picks: Tassadar, Stukov, Sonya, Joanna, Lunara


Bans: Maiev, Hanzo

Picks: Tracer, Garrosh, Junkrat, Uter, Tyrael

The game without mistakes from the beginning to the end by Dignitas brought them a victory on the map.

The fourth map - Dragon Shrine


Bans: Genji, Tassadar

Picks: Sonya, Malfurion, Muradin, Junkrat, Tychus


Bans: Tracer, Maiev

Picks: Hanzo, Uter, Greymane, Diablo, Zeratul

Leftlovers were doing good on the map but an unsuccessful fight in the end of the match left them without a victory.


Team Liquid vs Tricked eSports 3-0

The first map - Volskaya Foundry

Team Liquid:

Bans: Tracer, Malthael

Picks: Garrosh, Hanzo, Sonya, Maiev, Alexstrasza

Tricked eSports:

Bans: Stukov, Medivh

Picks: Malfurion, Diablo, Tassadar, Thrall, Lunara

Team Liquid took a fast advantage on the map and achieved the deserved victory in 15 minutes.

The second map - Tomb of the Spider Queen

Team Liquid:

Bans: Medivh, Chromie

Picks: Stukov, Garrosh, Sonya, Genji, Junkrat

Tricked eSports:

Bans: Maiev, Gul’dan

Picks: Hanzo, Joanna, Malfurion, Malthael, Tracer

That was a very interesting map, both teams had a clear core, the team Tricked eSports was busy on the opponent’s side and was punished for this, I recommend you to watch the replay of the map.

The third map - Infernal Shrines

Team Liquid:

Bans: Tracer, Tassadar

Picks: Diablo, Medivh, Garrosh, Stukov, Leorik

Tricked eSports:

Bans: Garrosh, Malthael

Picks: Hanzo, Sonya, Malfurion, Tyrael, Maiev

Team Liquid took a fast advantage and won as it had been on the first map.


LFM eSports vs Team Freedom 0-3

The first map - Battlefield of Eternity

LFM eSports:

Bans: Medivh, Greymane

Picks: Hanzo, Garrosh, Tassadar, Artanis, Auriel

Team Freedom:

Bans: Genji, Malfurion

Picks: Tracer, Tyrael, Stukov, Artas, Jaina

A good start and a steady game to the end of the match brought a victory to Team Freedom.

The second map - Tomb of the Spider Queen

LFM eSports:

Bans: Medivh, Diablo

Picks: Malfurion, Sonya, Joanna, Tychus, Chromie

Team Freedom:

Bans: Garrosh, Hanzo

Picks: Stukov, Genji, Leorik, Stitches, Jaina

Team Freedom left no chances to LFM, an easy victory in less than 15 minutes.

The third map - Volskaya Foundry

LFM eSports:

Bans: Stukov, Lucio

Picks: Garrosh, Junkrat, Zeratul, Uter, Sonya

Team Freedom:

Bans: Malfurion, Genji

Picks: Medivh, Hanzo, Stitches, Li Li, Tyrael

Freedom left no chances to the opponent as it had been on the first two maps.


No Tomorrow vs Gale Force eSports 1-3

The first map - Infernal Shrines

No Tomorrow:

Bans: Tracer, Diablo

Picks: Sonya, Stukov, Hanzo, Joanna, Tassadar

Gale Force eSports:

Bans: Medivh, Tyrael

Picks: Maiev, Malfurion, Tychus, Garrosh, Malthael 

Gale Force won the first map very easily and fast.

The second map - Cursed Hollow

No Tomorrow:

Bans: Abathur, Stukov

Picks: Malfurion, ETC, Tracer, Sonya, Greymane

Gale Force eSports:

Bans: Medivh, Hanzo

Picks: Maiev, Tyrael, Rehgar, Genji, Artas

This was the same fast game for Gale Force as it had been on the first map.

The third map - Towers of Doom

No Tomorrow:

Bans: Maiev, Malthael

Picks: Genji, Garrosh, Hanzo, Dehaka, Rehgar

Gale Force eSports:

Bans: Medivh, Stukov

Picks: Malfurion, Tyrael, Tychus, Diablo, Sonya

On this map, the result was the same but in the favor of the other team. No Tommor won the map very fast.

The fourth map - Dragon Shire

No Tomorrow:

Bans: Maiev, Tracer

Picks: Genji, Garrosh, Stukov, Joanna, Zeratul

Gale Force eSports:

Bans: Medivh, Hanzo

Picks: Malfurion, Joanna, Junkrat, Dehaka, Chromie

No Tomorrow had an advantage during the whole game but made a mistake in the end that was fatal for them.

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