Heroes of the Storm patchnotes, November 29
A new update has been released, where all heals were nurfed, Sgt. Hammer was reworked and bug fixes added.
- Minigun (Trait)
- No longer consumes mana points.
- Guillotine (R button)
- Damage reduced from 350% to 330%.
Level 1
- Recklessness (Trait)
- Adjusted functionality:
- When Health is below 75%, 10% Spell Power gained
- When Health is below 50%, 20% Attack Damage gained
- Amani Rage (Active)
- Duration of heal increased from 6 to 10 seconds
- Armor value reduced from 10 to 5 points
- Arcanite Axes (W)
- No longer lowers the cooldown of Twin Cleave
- Vicious Assault (Q)
- Added functionality:
- Also increases the duration of Zul’jin’s Grievious Throw effect by 3 seconds
- Level 13
- Lacerate (W)
- Slow amount reduced from 15 to 10%
- Level 16
- Wrong Place Wrong Time (W)
- Apex damage from 150 to 100 points
- Sgt. Hammer’s Basic Attack looks more natural.
- Artillery (Trait)
- Removed (including the +1 Basic Attack range)
- Siege Mode (D)
- Moved to D (Trait)
- Mana cost removed
- Basic Attack range bonus increased from 5 to 6 points
- Sgt. Hammer now deals 20% bonus damage to all enemies while in Siege Mode, instead of 30% bonus to Minions and Structures.
- Sgt. Hammer can no longer cast abilities while entering Siege Mode.
- Spider Mines (Q)
- While in Siege Mode, the cast range is increased by 100%
- Mana cost reduced from 50 to 45 points
- Concussive Blast (W)
- Cone narrowed from 60 degrees to 45 degrees
- While in Siege Mode, the cast range is increased by 50%
- Mana cost reduced from 75 to 60 points
- (New Ability) Neosteel Plating (E)
- Activate to gain 25 Armor for 2 seconds.
- While in Siege mode, increase this to 50 Armor.
- 12 second cooldown, 30 Mana points
- Advanced Artillery (D)
- New functionality:
- Now increases Siege Mode’s splash damage to 50% and its radius by 25%.
- Resistant (D)
- Talent removed
- Ambush (D)
- Adjusted functionality:
- Sgt. Hammer now also enters Stealth after not dealing damage, taking damage, or using an Ability for 3 seconds while in Siege Mode.
- Regeneration Master
- Talent removed
- (New Talent) Maelstrom Rounds
- Activate to increase Sgt. Hammer’s Basic Attack damage by 40% for 5 seconds. Maximum 3 charges. 90 second charge cooldown. Basic Attacks in Siege Mode against enemy Structures reduce this cooldown by 5 seconds.
- Vigorous Assault (Passive)
- Talent removed
- Focused Attack (Passive)
- Talent removed
- Excessive Force (W)
- Talent removed
- Barricade (W)
- Moved from Level 13
- (New Talent) Siege Tactics (E)
- Sgt. Hammer becomes Unstoppable for 2 seconds when she uses Neosteel Plating in Siege Mode.
- (New Talent) Regenerative Bio-Steel (D)
- Sgt. Hammer heals for 15% of her damage dealt with Basic Attacks in Siege Mode.
- Mine Field (Q)
- Talent removed
- First Aid (Active)
- Talent removed
- Spider Mines explode 3 times over 3 seconds, instead of destroying themselves immediately.
- Hover Siege (D)
- Moved from Level 16
- Movement Speed reduced from 50% to 25%.
- Graduating Range (D)
- Moved from Level 16
- Maximum range bonus reduced from 5.5 to 3.3
- First Strike (D)
- Talent removed
- Bullhead Mines (Q)
- Talent removed
- (New Talent) Tactical Mine Deployment (Q)
- Increases Spider Mine’s slow from 25% to 40%. Casting Thrusters leaves behind a trail of up to 5 Spider Mines while Sgt. Hammer is moving.
- (New Talent) Entrenched (W)
- Increases Concussive Blast’s damage and knockback distance by 75% while in Siege Mode.
- Hyper-Cooling Engines (Z)
- Moved from Level 7
- New functionality:
- Each enemy Hero hit with a Basic Attack in Siege Mode reduces the cooldown of Thrusters by 5 seconds.
- Stoneskin (Active)
- Talent removed
- Giant Killer (Passive)
- Moved from Level 13
- (New Talent) Mechanical Know-How (E)
- Neosteel Plating grants a Shield equal to 5% of Sgt. Hammer’s maximum Health for 2 seconds. If this Shield is destroyed, she deals 50% more Basic Attack damage for 5 seconds.
- Fury of the Storm (Passive)
- Talent removed
- Nexus Frenzy (Passive)
- Talent removed
- Each Spider Mine explosion reduces enemy Armor by 10 for 3 seconds.
- Every enemy Hero hit with a Basic Attack while in Siege Mode increases Sgt. Hammer’s Attack Speed by 5% for 5 seconds, up to 40%.
- Base Maximum Health reduced from 1787 to 1698 points
- Health Regen reduced from 3.72 to 3.54 points
- Abundance (W)
- Cast range increased by 11%
- Base Maximum Health reduced from 1682 to 1598 points
- Health Regen reduced from 3.5 to 3.32 points
- Basic Attack Damage reduced from 33 to 30 points
- Healing Dart (Q)
- Heal amount reduced from 255 to 237 points
- Biotic Grenade (W)
- Heal amount reduced from 175 to 166 points
- Damage reduced from 60 to 57 points
- Eye of Horus (R)
- Heal amount reduced from 300 to 285 points
- Damage amount reduced from 175 to 166 points
- Base Maximum Health reduced from 1850 to 1758 points
- Health Regen reduced from 3.85 to 3.66 points
- Basic Attack Damage reduced from 60 to 57 points
- Sacred Sweep (Q)
- Outer damage reduced from 60 to 57 points
- Inner damage reduced from 180 to 171 points
- Detainment Strike (E)
- Normal damage reduced from 58 to 55 points
- Wall-strike damage reduced from 174 to 165 points
- Bestow Hope (D)
- Maximum Energy reduced from 505 to 475 points
- Crystal Aegis (R)
- Damage reduced from 270 to 255 points
- Base Maximum Health reduced from 1470 to 1395 points
- Health Regen reduced from 3.06 to 2.91 points
- Basic Attack Damage reduced from 85 to 81 points
- Arcane Flare (Q)
- Outer damage reduced from 91 to 87 points
- Inner damage reduced from 274 to 260 points
- Soothing Mist (Trait)
- Heal amount reduced from 115 to 109 points
- Blink Heal (R)
- Heal amount reduced from 204 to 194 points
- Emerald Wind (R)
- Damage reduced from 318 to 303 points
- Level 4
- Unstable Anomaly (W)
- Damage reduced from 114 to 108 points
- Level 7
- Phase Shield (Z)
- Shield amount reduced from 350 to 335 points
- Basic Attack Damage reduced from 63 to 60 points
- Breath of Heaven (W)
- Heal amount reduced from 290 to 276 points
- Divine Palm (R)
- Heal amount reduced from 1141 to 1084 points
- Level 1
- Transcendence (Trait)
- Heal amount reduced from 103 to 98 points
- Level 16
- Way of the Hundred Fists (E)
- Damage reduced from 50 to 45%
- Base Maximum Health reduced from 1552 to 1475 points
- Health Regen from 3.23 to 3.07 points
- Basic Attack Damage reduced from 63 to 60 points
- Healing Brew (Q)
- Heal amount increased from 177 to 190 points
- Cloud Serpent (W)
- Heal amount increased from 13.5 to 15 points
- Damage reduced from 27 to 26 points
- Blinding Wind (E)
- Damage reduced from 140 to 133 points
- Jug of 1000 Cups (R)
- Heal amount increased from 66.5 to 70 points
- Water Dragon (R)
- Damage reduced from 318 to 300 points
- Base Maximum Health reduced from 1550 to 1472 points
- Health Regen reduced from 3.23 to 3.07 points
- Basic Attack Damage reduced from 88 to 83 points
- Healing Beam (Q)
- Heal amount reduced from 90 to 86 points
- Displacement Grenade (E)
- Damage reduced from 210 to 198 points
- Base Maximum Health reduced from 1518 to 1442 points
- Health Regen reduced from 3.16 to 3 points
- Basic Attack Damage reduced from 24 to 23 points
- Soundwave (Q)
- Damage reduced from 112 to 105 points
- Amp It Up (E)
- Heal amount reduced from 15.5 to 15 points
- Sound Barrier (R)
- Shield amount reduced from 1392 to 1296 points
- Reverse Amp (R)
- Damage reduced from 14 to 13
- Level 13
- Back in the Mix (Passive)
- Heal amount reduced from 260 to 245 points
- Level 16
- Rejuvenescencia (E)
- Heal amount reduced from 3 to 2.5% of allies’ Maximum Health
- Base Maximum Health reduced from 1682 to 1598 points
- Health Regen reduced from 3.5 to 3.33 points
- Basic Attack Damage reduced from 67 to 64 points
- Regrowth (Q)
- Initial heal amount reduced from 150 to 142 points
- Heal over time amount reduced from 28 to 27 points
- Moonfire (W)
- Damage from 105 to 100 points
- Entangling Roots (E)
- Damage from 39 to 37 points
- Tranquility (R)
- Heal amount reduced from 40 to 38 points
- Twilight Dream (R)
- Damage reduced from 374 to 355 points
- Level 1
- Moonburn (W)
- Removed
- (New Talent) Celestial Alignment (W)
- Increase Moonfire’s reveal duration from 2 to 5 seconds. Malfurion’s Basic Attacks deal 100% additional damage to targets revealed by Moonfire
- Level 4
- Vengeful Roots (E)
- Treant Attack damage reduced from 70 to 65 points
- Scaling damage per quest stack reduced from 8 to 7 points
- Basic Attack Damage reduced from 120 to 113 points
- Chain Heal (Q)
- Heal amount reduced from 250 to 240 points
- Lightning Shield (W)
- Damage reduced from 35 to 32 points
- Ancestral Healing (R)
- Heal amount reduced from 1552 to 1475 points
- Level 1
- Lightning Bond (W)
- Talent removed
- Healing Pathogen (Q)
- Heal amount reduced from 37 to 35 points
- Lurking Arm (E)
- Damage reduced from 36 to 34 points
- Bio-kill Switch (D)
- Heal amount reduced from 500 to 475 points
- Flailing Swipe (R)
- Damage reduced from 50 to 48 points
- Massive Shove (R)
- Damage reduced from 200 to 190 points
- Base Maximum Health reduced from 1355 to 1287 points
- Health Regen reduced from 2.82 to 2.68 points
- Plasma Shield (Q)
- Shield amount reduced from 475 to 455 points
- Psionic Storm (W)
- Damage reduced from 44 to 41 points
- Archon (R)
- Bonus Attack damage reduced from 166 to 158 points
- Base Maximum Health from 1591 to 1511 points
- Health Regen reduced from 3.32 to 3.15 points
- Basic Attack Damage reduced from 82 to 80 points
- Sentinel Shot (W)
- Damage reduced from 173 to 165 points
- Lunar Flare (E)
- Damage reduced from 205 to 195 points
- Starfall (R)
- Damage reduced from 91 to 88 points
- Basic Attack Damage reduced from 78 to 75 points
- Holy Light (Q)
- Heal amount reduced from 380 to 362 points
- Holy Radiance (W)
- Heal amount reduced from 185 to 177 points
- Damage reduced from 185 to 177 points
- Flash of Light (Q)
- Heal amount reduced from 242 to 230 points
- Hammer of Justice (E)
- Damage reduced from 114 to 109 points
- Divine Storm (R)
- Damage reduced from 178 to 170 points
- Level 4
- Holy Fire (Passive)
- Damage reduced from 14 to 13 points
- Iron Skin (Trait)
- Mana cost removed
- Level 7
- Poisoned Spear (Q)
- Damage reduced from 150 to 125%
- Mac: Fixed an issue that caused game crashes on Mac clients.
- Mac: Fixed an issue that caused extra settings displayed on Mac clients
- Sound: Fixed an issue causing Hero voiceover lines to be heard globally by both teams.
Level 4
Level 7
Sgt. Hammer
Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
(New Talent) Pulse Detonation Core (Q)
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20
(New Talent) Shrapnel Mines (Q)
(New Talent) Ultra Capacitors (D)
Li Li
Lt. Morales
Bug Fixes
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