Artanis Master Guide
Artanis always suits as the 2nd tank, however, it is very difficult for him to tank. He has been picked less often in recent time as other tanks have been upgraded well and Artanis has been nerfed a little but if your skill is above the average, you will win games with him easily.
Artanis is valued for his swap, you can make a charge forward, then swap yourself with the enemy, using Phase Prism, and your team will be able to kill the hero quickly but the training with timings is required, you can do this in the hero training mode.
The control is useful against Artanis (so I don’t advise to pick him against enemies with lots of control), his survivance depends on auto-attacks and the use of skills. Artanis stands the solo line really good against almost all heroes.
The talents of the 1st level:
Al three talents can be used, it depends on the map and the line you will stay at. If you go to the solo line against an auto-caster (or the team, which has lots of aa heroes), you will have to pick Reactive Parry. The talent Amateur Opponent is suitable on the map Battlefield of Eternity, it will help us to kill Immortal faster. In its turn, Seasoned Marksman is a nice talent on maps with many minions.
The talents of the 4th level:
There are not so many good talents, correctly to say the only one, Shield Surge, we will be able to live longer with a low hp.
The talents of the 7th level:
In my opinion, there is only one useful talent at this level. Warp Sickness will help you a lot after the swap with the enemy hero not to allow him to run away, the 35% of the slowdown will make its presence felt.
The talents of the 10th level:
The choice of the ultimate skill depends on the enemy pick of heroes. If there are auto-attackers among enemies, we will pick Suppression Pulse, in another case Purifier Beam.
The talents of the 13th level:
The choice is between two talents here, personally, I always pick Triple Strike, it will help us to deal more damage to the solo target but I have seen guys picking Graviton Vortex and they have been able to swap two enemy heroes, sometimes we have killed them and won the game but sometimes those, who had been swapped, have simply destroyed our team, so the choice is questionable.
The talents of the 16th level:
Titan Killer is the best talent here, with its help you will be able to damage enemy tanks a lot.
The talents of the 20th level:
There is the only choice here, this is Force of Will, you will always have the shield under auto-attacks, which will help you to live longer. I don’t advise reinforcing the ultimate skill.
The Artanis Guide comes to the end at this moment. The guide will be edited due to updates. See you in the Nexus!