MSOG - Let's discuss Paladin
Paladin has seen some really incredible cards, and to avoid repeating myself, I won’t be talking about Small-Time Recruits, as we already discussed it in a recent article. I’ll try to avoid repetition of cards in the future, but for now, let’s get into it!
Out of all the classes, Paladin has seen the most “hand buff” cards of the set. Grimestreet Outfitter, Smuggler’s Run, Grimscale Chum, andGrimestreet Enforcer all include this effect, and it is certainly an interesting one. The idea of a deck behind this mechanic would be to continually buff your hand, while obviously including a heavy amount of card draw in the deck itself (the more cards buffed, the better!), and overrun your opponent with ludicrously large minions for a low cost. Meanstreet Marshal is a unique card that combos with these effects, and it is one of the only 1-drops we have in the game that is almost never meant to be played on turn 1. A 1 mana ½ is decent stats for the cost overall. This isn’t great especially due to the fact that we are in a Meta dominated by 1 mana 1/3’s and 1 mana 2/1’s. However, getting the effect off gives this card a huge amount of utility, as it not only draws a card (which can be buffed as well), but provides a meaty body to the board that is above average stats for the cost.
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Next, we have some great Anti-aggro cards in the Paladin’s new set, most notably being Grimestreet Protector and Wickerglame Burnbristle. Both of these cards are crazy, and here’s why.
Grimestreet Protector is amazing if you currently have a decent amount of board control. This card can be played to place Divine Shield on up to 2 targets, which can make a board’s control state snowball fast. Say a 3/2 is on your side of the board, and your opponent has a 4/3. That’s already not so good for him, as you will be able to get a good trade off and gain the upper hand through it. However, if the Protector is played, your 3/2 doesn’t die in the trade. It is for this reason that we would be running this card.
First of all, Wickerglame Burnbristle is such a fun name to say. Wickerglame Burnbristle. Damn.
That fact aside, a lot of people say this card is a mini version of Tirion Fordring, but I disagree. If, say, it equipped you with a Light’s Justice as a Deathrattle, then yes, it would be. The idea that makes Tirion good is that it is still a threat, whether or not it has been destroyed. This is only a threat while alive, but it does have some crazy anti-aggro potential in the sense that it can have its shield popped by taking out a low cost minion, healing you for 2, and still being alive to heal for another 2 before being destroyed. I don’t think this card will be particularly Meta defining, but it can prove to be incredibly good against aggro decks.
Aside from that, Paladin looks to be making some comebacks in this expansion! Be sure to check back for the next “lets discuss classes” article when all of the class cards are revealed for the next class, whatever that may be!