Hearthstone 'Welcomes' the Welcome Bundle!
The Welcome Bundle was a pleasant surprise from Blizzard, and just about everyone who plays Hearthstone avidly enough (like me) have purchased it. For the small, one time only price of $4.99 USD, this package includes ten classic packs as well as one random Class Specific Legendary card from the classic set!
The fact that this was a one-time only purchase was a sad revelation for me, as I began to envision dumping pay checks into this system and chunking through card packs and Legendary cards, but of course, it would simply become the best bundle available – when 7 packs are regularly $9.99 USD, 10 for $5 and a random Legendary would just be the best deal on the market.
Another interesting tidbit – the random Legendaries cannot be golden. I immediately had a flashback to restarting classic Pokemon games in an attempt to stumble upon a shiny starter, and the same thought occurred to be here with grinding through Bundles for that nice 1600 dust reward.
As good of a deal as this may be, let’s do the Legendary math here. The Pity Rule states that every 50 cards opened, there will be at least one guaranteed Legendary minion in there with it. 50 cards is 10 packs. By that math, you are actually getting the minimum of the Pity Rule, plus some due to the extra packs. So, yes, it is, in every way, better to buy this Bundle than it is to not. If you haven’t done so already – just do it. Fork over the five bucks, and that’s raw value right there.