Fortnite Player Wins Trios Match Without Lifting a Finger—The Unbelievable Victory Explained
A Fortnite player recently experienced an extraordinary stroke of luck during a Trios match, securing a victory without lifting a finger. The Trios mode, which pits 99 players in teams of three against each other on a shrinking map, is a popular feature in Fortnite Battle Royale.
Trios mode was first introduced in Fortnite in 2019, but it was temporarily removed in May 2023 to reduce queue times and improve matchmaking. However, due to fan backlash, Epic Games reintroduced Trios a month later in non-ranked and Zero Build versions. Players have since continued to dive into the game mode, experiencing all sorts of memorable moments—one of which was recently shared by a player.
In a Reddit post, the Fortnite user revealed that they won a Victory Royale in a Trios match despite going AFK (away from keyboard) before even landing on the map. The post included a screenshot showing various stats and unlocked Fortnite Accolades, which confirmed that the player did next to nothing during the match. The stats showed zero eliminations, zero assists, and zero damage inflicted, with the only non-zero stats being 200 damage taken and a mere 24 cm traveled. The unlocked Accolades on the screen further highlighted the player’s pacifist route to victory.
This win, achieved against all odds, was undoubtedly due to the skill and effort of the player’s two teammates. Though it can't be confirmed, the player's survival without firing a single shot was likely thanks to their teammates' proficiency and a hefty dose of luck. In a reply to the post, the player mentioned that their character died "at some point early on," suggesting that their teammates rebooted them, which would explain the 200 damage taken.
The Fortnite community was astounded by this unusual win. One user commented, "That's actually insane," while another joked, "Bro got all the accolades some YouTubers struggle to get in one match." Some users humorously compared the player to "that guy holding up the poster for the project while your classmates do the presentation."
In related news, Epic Games has announced the addition of new skins to Fortnite, allowing players to dress up as characters from Disney's IPs, including Dr. Doom, Captain Hook, Frozone, and Cruella de Vil. With a new season set to launch in November, Fortnite fans have plenty to look forward to in the coming months.
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