A new stellar team may form in China
According to users on reddit, a big reshuffle is coming in China. Substitutions will take place in three teams at once, so PSG.LGD, Vici Gaming and EHOME will fall under the "wave" of the reshuffle, and free agents from these teams will unite under the tag "Four Angry Men".
Wang "Ame" Chunyu Song "Sccc" Chun Yang "Chalice" Shenyi Tew Sung "AhFu" Chuan Jian Wei "xNova" Yap
Vici Gaming
Doo "Monet" Peng Zeng "Ori" Jiaoyang Zhou "Yang" Haiyan Xiong "Pyw" Jiahan Ding "Dy" Tsun
Four angry men
Zhang "Eurus" Chenzhong Lu "Somnus 丶 M" Yao Damien "kpii" Chock Xu "fy" Linsen Pan "Fade" Yu
It should be noted that the information is at the level of rumors and streamers sometimes give different information about the composition of the above groups.
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