Christian «loWel» Antoran left mousesports
The esportsman told that this is no longer a player for mousesports on his TwitLonger account. loWel has been a member of the team for 10 months. He joined mousesports on October 8 2016 and left the team on August 2. It’s most likely that the reason to leave the roster was the poor results of the team during the time of their cooperation. mousesports cannot win a trophy for a long time. Unfortunately, Christian Antoran did not manage to change the situation, so the management of organization needs to find other ways to solve this problem. Christian «loWel» Antoran commentaries:
«After almost a year with mousesports, I am a free agent. I want to thank mouz for everything they have done for me and my former teammates who I've learned a lot from, wish them the best. News about my future will come soon.»
Now there is no information who will replace loWel in the team.
See also: Gambit eSports bought HObbit mousesports roster: Chris «chrisJ» de JongDenis «denis» HowellTomáš «oskar» ŠťastnýRobin «ropz» KoolSergey "lmbt" Bezhanov (coach)